Back in School, Back in the Lecture Hall.


Holidays are officially over, but flipping my brain’s switch from ‘Holiday Mode’ back to ‘Study Mode’ is definitely going to take a while. Gone are the days of waking up at 10 am, and the late, late nights are back to stay.

I’ve gone to school for two days now, and the lectures are as boring as always. Good thing that my multi-tasking skills are great! With half my laptop screen displaying my lecture notes and a game of Hearthstone (an awesome card game :D) open beside them, I’ll never sleep in lectures again! Best idea ever.

I actually managed to understand everything the lecturers were saying, so the plan works, at least for the time being.

And school wouldn’t be school if there wasn’t any homework. On my to-do list already are two readings (passages with questions to answer) and a set of tutorial questions to be done before class, and it’s only been 2 days since school started. But this semester, I WILLΒ do all my homework. Read up before lectures. Prepare notes. Study (A MONTH IN ADVANCE) for exams.

No more stalling. It’s time to show the world what I can actually do! πŸ˜€

Especially since the general perception of me (by my family and friends ><) would be a lazy bum at the bottom of the cohort, who studies at the eleventh hour with the only intention of barely passing allΒ exams. The worst part is, they’re right :<

Looks like I’ve not much time left for doing fan-made posters and wallpapers. And I was finally getting the hang of it 😦

Oh, one last thing. I’ve finished my Bioshock/Bioshock Infinite poster, and I’m quite impressed by myself!Β I’m somewhat proud of my poster, as it seems to show that putting in effort in anything (sometimes) gives results πŸ˜€ Wonder if it’s going to be the same for my studies. We’ll just have to wait and see!

All done!
All done! πŸ˜€

11 thoughts on “Back in School, Back in the Lecture Hall.

  1. Oh my gosh, I absolutely adore your blog! How do you find time to blog as an Electrical Engineer major?! My best friend studied as an electrical engineer as well and he always looked so stressed out!


    1. I’m still in my first year, and school’s just begun πŸ˜€
      It’s definitely going to get worse as the weeks go by, but I’ll try to cope with both blogging and school stuff.

      Travelling time is great for writing posts, too πŸ˜€

      Liked by 1 person

      1. It’s been fine so far πŸ˜€
        Thought I would have to retake my programming module (I couldn’t understand anything in the lecture notes or do the tutorial questions 😦 ), but luckily it never happened! Got a B- for it, which I dont mind at all πŸ˜€
        Almost everyone I’ve met have been really friendly, the lecturers aren’t overly boring, and the canteen food is delicious! So far, so good πŸ˜€


    1. Thank you! πŸ˜€

      Your blog looks nice too, I noticed that you’ve changed your theme, and just realised that you’re also 19 and in uni XD How do you find the time to read so many books? I’m already struggling to juggle my schoolwork and other things :O

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes I am! πŸ˜€
        Well, that’s what you get for quitting the right to a social life. πŸ˜‚
        (Nah. I was used to reading a lot more books when I was in high school, and I try to juggle it. When I can read a lot, I do it. Especially now that I’m finishing my holidays)


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